DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2018-3-9-15
Effective development of self-regulation among preschool children is one of the most urgent problems of theory and practice today. The problem of development of self-regulation among senior preschoolers is raised in the context of their psychological readiness for schooling. The paper presents different approaches to the definition of the concept of self-regulation as a psychological phenomenon in modern psychological science. The author’s approach to understanding self-regulation is indicated. A diagnostic toolkit is chosen to determine the level of senior preschoolers’ self-regulation. The results of diagnostics of self-regulation among the children of a kindergarten senior group are presented. The most effective conditions for the formation of senior preschoolers’ self-regulation are determined. Specific features of the organization of the developing environment for the development of self-regulation among the children of senior preschool age are formulated in the conditions of a pre-school educational institution. Particular attention is paid to child-adult interaction. Formation and consolidation of self-regulation is carried out on a specially selected material. An integrative approach to the formation of self-regulation components in educational and cognitive activity is used. Developing psychological and pedagogical work with children is based on the principles of individualization and differentiation of methods, techniques and means.
Keywords: self-regulation, preschool institution, kindergartener, parents, preschool children, culture of behavior
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Issue: 3, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 9 — 15
Downloads: 1776