DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2018-3-24-31
The effectiveness and quality of education of children in preschool educational institutions depend on the educational programs used. Educational programs in their majority are based on the basic activity of preschool children - the game. Classes in the water environment contribute to hardening, have a healing, therapeutic and hygienic effect. There were no methodological recommendations for practicing water polo with preschool children in small-sized swimming pools. The aim of the research is to increase the effectiveness of direct educational activities in physical culture using the means of the sports game water polo for children of senior preschool age. Experience of work with pupils of a kindergarten on physical training with boys of a preparatory group with the use of sports game water polo is presented. The purpose of the technique is to create conditions for the development of healthy lifestyle among children of preschool age, to develop and improve all physical qualities, to attract as many boys as possible to regular water polo lessons, and also to increase interest in team sports. The content of the curriculum is theoretical, physical and technical training, as well as the basics of the tactics of playing water polo. The types of classes are thematic and integrated. Obligatory pedagogical diagnostics for individualization of education, child support, construction of its educational trajectory, correction of features of its development; optimization of work with a group of children. Especially important are sports competitions, as well as the involvement of parents in the educational process of the pre-school educational institution. The introduction of the method contributed to the growth of physical and swimming qualification, the formation of communicative qualities of senior preschoolers of 6-7 years old at a significant level, which confirms its effectiveness.
Keywords: pre-school educational institution, direct educational activity, physical culture, program, water polo, boys of 6-7 years old
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Issue: 3, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 24 — 31
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