DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2018-3-42-48
In the conditions of market economy an indispensable condition for the effectiveness of any individual is the level of economic culture, which includes the formation of economic thinking and financial literacy, which should be formed within the educational space of the school from primary level until graduation, providing a systematic approach in developing the necessary economic competence. A systematic approach in teaching Economics at school requires a significant change in the educational program of the school, parents’ understanding and readiness of all public institutions to obtain an effective result. To date, the problem of economic insolvency of the population, which is associated with a low level of economic and financial literacy acquires the position of a certain level of economic security of the state. Analysis of public authorities of the situation led to understanding of the organization universal “literacy” to reduce the level of economic and financial literacy. The main purpose of the educational process in Economics at school is the process of forming an economically competent person capable of forming their understanding of financial products, concepts and risks and through information, training to develop their skills and raise awareness of financial risks and opportunities to make informed choices about financial products and services, to take other effective measures to improve their financial situation.
Keywords: systematic approach, formation of competences, economic culture, economic and financial literacy strategy, financial literacy, complex organization of the educational process
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Issue: 3, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 42 — 48
Downloads: 1081