DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2018-3-94-100
The author examined the forms of academic group curator activity and forms of supervision and support of academic group curator activities. The curator’s activities may vary. Goals, tasks, stages of curatorial activity influence the choice and application of the curator’s activities. The author of the article considered the principles on which the curator’s forms of activity and forms of supervision and support are based. Classified the curator’s activities in a modern university for traditional (curatorial hours, various events, interaction of the curator with the study department, academic counseling, lecture-seminar) and innovative (quizzes, quests, cases, trainings, workshops). The forms of supervision and support of academic group curator activity were classified into three main groups. The first group is connected with the methodical preparation and accompaniment of curators’ activities. The second group is associated with the upgrading of curators. The third group is connected with replicating the experience of curatorial activity. Here are the examples of forms that are implemented in the modern university (various Round Tables, seminars, schools, advanced training courses, competitions of professional skills) and specific examples of forms that are implemented in Tomsk Polytechnic University. The article proposes and argues the variants of forms for the use in curatorial activities in a modern technical university. Various forms of activity, supervision and support of the curator’s activities allow the realization of various directions of the institution educational activity and to realize the main goal of curatorial activity, which consists of creating conditions for successful academic and social adaptation, personal and professional development of supervised students.
Keywords: education, curator, curators institute, forms of curator activity, forms of supervision and support
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Issue: 3, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 94 — 100
Downloads: 992