DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2018-3-122-128
This article considers the actual problem of education that is formation of digital competence of students in educational institutions. In modern conditions the designated research field initiates using new models and technologies in education on its various steps. The problems and prospects of using a digital portfolio as means of formation of students research competence are examined. The analysis of various approaches to the concept «digital portfolio» of the Russian and foreign pedagogies allowed to define the digital portfolio as ordered structured data of students. However, the consideration of a digital portfolio in research activity of students and studying of interrelation in pedagogical science is not sufficiently developed. The authors considered the propaedeutic aspect of this research phenomenon. The analysis of various approaches to the concept «digital portfolio» of the Russian and foreign pedagogies is carried out. It is noted that the digital portfolio as new means of representation of results of research activity essentially differs from an electronic portfolio of the student. It presents the purposes of formation of a student’s digital portfolio, its characteristics, levels and also various means by which students can present a digital portfolio. The use of digital portfolio technology in educational space is focused on activating of research activity, modeling of the individual research field and formation of the creative approach of the student to the process of formation and development of research competence of the student.
Keywords: education, research work, competence, portfolio, digital technologies, digital portfolio
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Issue: 3, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 122 — 128
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