DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2018-3-138-143
The issue of developing a method of integrated supervision of the training of young athletes practicing wushu at the stage of pre-competitive training is considered. The main characteristics of the components of the method proposed are given. Examples of the tests used in assessing physical, technical, psychological preparedness are given. The research results aimed at identifying the most informative and reliable tests are presented. The research methods that determine the functional state of the athlete’s body are revealed. The main types of integrated supervision of young athletes engaged in wushu at the stage of pre-competition training are described: stage, current, operational. We used the following control methods: 1. Pedagogical: the method of expert assessments for the evaluation of competitive elements, control tests for the assessment of special physical preparedness. 2. Psychological: the method of testing. The following tests were applied: test-attitude to the forthcoming competition and situational anxiety; a test of Martens’ competitive personal anxiety. 3. Medico-biological: measurement of heart rate, SBP / DBP, Romberg sample, Gencha test, Ruthier index. We developed a method of integrated supervision, which includes the following components: assessment of special physical preparedness; assessment of technical preparedness; evaluation of the functional state of the organism; assessment of psychological preparedness. The most informative and reliable tests were identified, and control methods were determined.
Keywords: method of complex control
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Issue: 3, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 138 — 143
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