DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2018-3-144-153
The article actualizes the problem of individualization of education at the present stage of the development, including taking into account the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standards of general education. Сonsiders the issue of education individualization at the level of primary general education at general education school. As part of the implementation of innovative projects at the regional and federal levels, the practice of individualizing educational activities in terms of adapting and developing students based on the organization and technologies of tutoring individual educational programs, routes, projects is presented. The main directions of activity on presentation of practical experience of work of educational organizations with the use of tutoring resources are outlined, as well as some results of comparison of labor activities of the tutor and other categories of teachers to achieve the goals of individualization of education of students. The main approaches to the formation of strategies for tutoring support for the individualization of education in primary schools have been singled out and characterized. The conditions for mastering the functions of a tutor by teachers of a general education organization are indicated and argued, and observance of them will solve the problem of creating conditions for the realization of the individualization of educational activity.
Keywords: individualization of educational activity, individualization of instruction, tutor, tutor support, tutorial system of accompaniment
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Issue: 3, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 144 — 153
Downloads: 1527