DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2018-3-185-193
Factors influencing the decision-making on the commission of a certain type of unlawful action are considered. The results of a study of the influence of the intellect’s features, orientation and the intensity of the motive in relation to a set of individual psychological features on the commission of one or another type of unlawful action are presented. The results of the conducted experiment made it possible to reveal the existing correlation links between the motive, intellectual and personal characteristics in the form of the relevant factors that to varying degrees affect the relevant categories of wrongful acts. Differences in six factors, consisting of both personal and motivational indicators, as well as intellectual-motivational ones, are determined. As a result of the analysis of the factor structure of the categories of subjects «Addiction», «Corruption», «UND» and «Norm», it was revealed that the commission of a certain unlawful action (or lack thereof) occurs under the influence of a complex action of factors. The results of the conducted experiment made it possible to reveal the existing correlation links between the motive, intellectual and personal characteristics in the form of the relevant factors that to varying degrees affect the relevant categories of wrongful acts. The factor of normative behavior is revealed. It is the factor of creativity. It is proved that the components of the identified factors in complex determine the commission of the corresponding unlawful act. The revealed peculiarities of persons who were not ever brought to criminal responsibility show the presence of intellectual-motivational determinants of both normative behavior and various types of unlawful actions of the individual. The obtained results experimentally support the hypothesis that the features of human mental activity in interaction with motivations and personal characteristics in complex are a dynamic (constantly changing in the course of life in certain limits) factor that determines the decision to commit a certain type of unlawful action.
Keywords: motivational and intellectual factors, personal characteristics, illegal actions, categories with unlawful behavior, polygraph, a factor of normative behavior
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Issue: 3, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 185 — 193
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