DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2018-3-206-216
This article reveals the content of the term «deviant motherhood» and indicates different degrees of severity of a mother’s behavioral disorder. There are four basic modes of the functioning of the system «mother – child», that reflect main ways of practical realization of motherhood: normative and conditionally normative motherhood, disturbances in mother-child relationship, deviant motherhood (antisocial form), deviant motherhood (protosociological form). The author’s system of diagnostic criteria and assessment of mother-child relationships are given. The article also provides author’s graphic images that illustrate the variability of the motherhood and basic variants of its practical implementation. The article complements existing gnoseological ideas about the problem of determination of norms and deviations in psychological studies of motherhood. Based on the conducted research the following conclusions were made: Modifications of motherhood are qualitatively different: normative motherhood, conditional-normative motherhood, impaired parentchild relationships, and deviant motherhood. The violation of mother-child relationship and deviant motherhood are presented by antisocial and protosociological forms. Weakly expressed digression in the behavioral responses of a woman is presented by a variety of violations of mother-child relationship. Obvious deviations from the optimum operation of the system «mother – child» are considered as deviations. Family and mother-child relationships represent a polyaspectual phenomenon, that is difficult for formal assessment. However, there’s a general possibility of a qualitative analysis of mother-child relationships, their correspondence to the norm or pathology. The proposed system of criteria takes into account the variety of forms of mother-child relationships, which vary widely from the norm to deviance. A system of criteria for evaluation of the implementation of maternal functions is relevant to psychological science and practice, it makes a significant contribution to the solution of priority tasks of a society and a state. The factors determining the formation of disorders of mother-child relationship, deviant forms of maternal behavior, voluntary childlessness are the contradictions in the structure of a society, identity, reproductive function and the tendency to aspiration of the indicators of psychological readiness of a woman to the realization of the social role of maternal functions in the area of the minimum values. Women with impaired mother-child relationships, and deviant forms of maternal behavior, are characterized by the presence of signs of psychological and social distress.
Keywords: methodology of science, psychology, approach, system, personality, research, maternity, mother, child, relationship, assessment, rate, aberration, deviation
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Issue: 3, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 206 — 216
Downloads: 2634