DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2018-4-88-96
The needs of the developing economy, its interest to maintain the most successful Russian schools of science, to provide it’s continuity by educating the new generation of researchers ground the necessity to involve the educational institutions teachers and students into fundamental research. The research competency developed in students characterizes their subjectivity and their need for the continuous cognition. The development of the competency requires teaching the students the ways of self-dependent obtaining and processing of scientific information in the self-dependent research practice – within the framework of the competency-based approach. The research competency includes: theoretical knowledge of research methods, the ways of systematic processing of the empirical data, the ability to formulate conclusions and to present research results, the ability to use the knowledge in a particular research. The research competency also includes a complex of a researcher’s personal qualities. The research competency is an integrated personal quality of the subject of learning (the learner). The quality finds its expression through the subject’s capability and ability for self-dependent obtaining of the new knowledge by transferring the meaning context of the subject’s activity from functional to the transformative one. The definition provided may serve as a basis for the choice of the strategy of the development of the research competency of the future teacher in Technology. The competency is to include: the acquirement of the specialized knowledge on performing the research activity, methods of obtaining scientific knowledge; the development and adoption of the value ideals and qualities by the subject, which promote the subject’s ability to go beyond the existing level of the system of the subject’s knowledge of oneself and the world; the acquirement of the practical experience of the use of the research activity in the pedagogical work. The content of the educational field “Crafts” determines the content of the Crafts teacher training. It implies that the teacher of Crafts is to be able to give economical, ecological, technological education and to provide informational support for it; to teach the inventive problem solving; to develop the students’ skills in design, etc. The main document that regulates the process is the work program, which is to be developed by the Crafts teacher. The program is to reflect the students’ projected understanding: of the production, realization and consumption of the material values; of the culture of labor and household life; of the necessity and special aspects of the citizen’s professional self-determination; to form the non-verbal sphere of the human. For the development of such program, its implementation and further correction the teacher is to possess a wide range of the research competencies. Among them are: the ability to perform the analysis of the school’s material and technical resources available; to involve the facilities of the industry of the region into the educational process; to use the students’ inclinations and aspirations for their education, etc.
Keywords: research competency, peculiarities of the educational field “Crafts”, the content of the research competency of the future Crafts teacher, the complex of the Crafts teacher’s research problems
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Issue: 4, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 88 — 96
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