DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2018-4-215-225
The paper presents the results of the research of the needs and attitudes of students of the Physics and Mathematics Department of the Tomsk State Pedagogical University to supplementary educational practices, interrelation of the students’ personal interests and the practices; the attitude of students to mentorship in their educational and professional activities. The paper presents the results of a questionnaire survey of the graduates of the faculty (bachelors and masters). In the context of the considered issues, the paper presents the studies of the quality and extent of the opportunities provided by the university to the students in mastering various pedagogical activities in practice and to interact with mentors. The author researches: how students are informed about such opportunities and how they use them; the character of interaction of students with professional communities and mentors; the correlation of the students’ personal interests and values with the education they receive, the issues of the students’ personal influence on their own development trajectories. Dwelling on the results of the survey the high level of personal meaning of the supplementary educational practices for the students was identified. The spectrum of the supplementary educational practices, performed by the students during their study at the university is wide, and the students’ satisfaction with such practices is quite high. Presumably this can be caused by the character of the faculty’s educational process organization with its focus on practical activities, mentoring and integration of education with professional communities, as well as by the personal needs of students.
Keywords: mentorship, professional activities, supplementary educational practices, personal meaning, professional communities, exchange of the experience
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Issue: 4, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 215 — 225
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