DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2018-4-180-186
Considering the development of future teachers’ readiness to work with gifted children, the authors analyze the legal and regulatory support for the educational process organization. A detailed consideration of the problem of the fact that the dynamics and productivity of the future teacher’s willingness to work with gifted children is largely determined by the conditions for students at a pedagogical university for their own image of the teacher’s profession, as well as the essence and specificity of their professional activity. The full characteristics of the student’s self-realization and the styles of psychological and pedagogical support of the child’s personality formation are given. The features of work with gifted children are described. The criteria and indicators of the future teachers’ readiness to work with gifted children are given. The methods of this quality diagnostics are presented. The authors talk about the need to use the psychological and pedagogical resources of educational interaction in order to help future teacher in manifesting activity for the opportunity to work with gifted children, developing their own attitude to themselves as a specialist, open creativity and ready for positive self-development and personal and professional growth. To set the goal of forming readiness for work with gifted children, in the authors’ understanding, means to determine the necessary qualitative changes in the personality of the future teacher, and on this basis to organize the educational process accordingly.
Keywords: gifted children, teacher training problem, training, pedagogical support, teacher’s professional qualities, personality formation, work with gifted children, talented youth, diagnostic techniques, activity
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Issue: 4, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 180 — 186
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