DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2018-4-226-232
Mental representation is a subjective image of an event or an operational form of mental experience. As the situation changes, the mental experience also changes. The algorithm of selection of educational tasks and a set of methods of psychodidactic orientation of development of mental representations and representative abilities is described: the method of problem selection and the method of creating individual mental maps. The selection method is represented by four main types of tasks: the first type is chosen by the teacher to work with students with a low level of educational and cognitive experience and includes training exercises, as well as techniques for developing cognitive interest and self-regulation skills with the help of a teacher. The second type of tasks is presented by educational texts, the work with which allows to create mental representations, and also forms ability to reflex. The third type of tasks involves testing the ability to supplement the thesaurus with new ways of learning activity. The fourth type includes tasks for the creative application of knowledge by students. The method of creation of individual mental maps assumes formation of abilities at higher level. Activities for creation of mental representations and application of receptions of a reflection in educational activity are the cornerstone of this method. The algorithm presented in the article on development of mental representations of educational texts as a result of use in educational process has shown that mental representations are fixed in different forms of their representation is more integrated into situations of their updating in educational activity.
Keywords: mental representation, individual mental map, educational text, activization of cognitive activity, trial and error method of tasks, method of creation of individual mental maps
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Issue: 4, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 226 — 232
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