DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2019-1-18-27
Burnout has a devastating impact on the individual, his or her professional responsibilities and the work of the entire organization. The complexity and ambiguity of this phenomenon is reflected in the diversity of researchers’ positions on the nature, structure, mechanisms of occurrence and much more. This complicates the development of a holistic theoretical Foundation for empirical research. One of the most pressing issues in the development of a single conceptual apparatus is the definition of “burnout”. The main objective of our article was to analyze the existing positions in foreign and domestic literature on the definition of “burnout”. The aim was to generalize the experience of Western and domestic authors to identify invariant features in the definition of the concept. The analysis identified the following essential features of the definition of “burnout”: complexity and multidimensionality; procedural; the presence of meaningful psychological characteristics that have a negative orientation; protective functionality; impact on all substructures of the human personality; formation under the influence of personal and situational factors; lack of psychopathological basis. The results allow us to summarize the experience of foreign and domestic researchers, which represents some progress in the understanding of the nature and structure of burnout. And can also be used to build theoretical models of burnout and further development of the conceptual apparatus.
Keywords: burnout, the main signs of burnout, emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, personal accomplishment, professional deformation
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Issue: 1, 2019
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 18 — 27
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