DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2019-2-17-29
This paper presents theoretical approaches to the design of scientific and methodological support of the process of advanced teacher training in modern conditions of setting educational goals in the form of student’s competency characteristics. The specificity of the modern educational situation has been characterized, manifesting in developing of a new terminological space, a need for pedagogical forecasting of the entire image of a school graduate, the forming of both his vertical processes (among different levels of the educational system), horizontal ones (a territorial level and an interethnic one as well) and inter-subject coordination. It is argued that the new international approach to the educational systems management, corresponding to the specifics of a post-industrial society, is a new challenge for the teacher’s professionalism. The analysis of the regulatory requirements for teacher skills on the basis of the Federal Law «On Education in the Russian Federation», Federal state educational standards of basic general education and the qualification characteristics of a teacher position is given. It is alleged that an important condition for maintaining professionalism is the scientific and methodological support of the process of advanced training. The negative consequences of the lack of such support are being predicted, the problems identified during the course preparation of teachers of Primorsky Krai have been detected. A research problem statement has been determined as a defining approach to the design of the pedagogical conditions for the development of teacher professionalism. It is argued that the problem of the teacher’s readiness to work in circumstances of regulatory certainty of educational goals, expressed in the student’s competence characteristics, is a particular case of contradiction between a normative direction of the activity and individual nature of its implementation. Put in these terms, the problem implies not only updating the content of additional professional programs, but the selection of teaching facilities allowing to develop an individual nature of the activity as well. It has been suggested that information technology is a tool for overcoming this contradiction.
Keywords: teacher, educational goals, teacher competence, advanced training, information technology
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Issue: 2, 2019
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 17 — 29
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