DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2019-2-83-89
The role of the curator’s institute in technical universities in the development of students’ social-personal and general cultural competencies is noted. The existing difficulties in the organization and implementation of curatorial activities are highlighted. It should be noted that the activities of curators of academic groups at a technical university need a greater degree of organizational and methodological support at the levels of objectives, content, organization and activity. Organizational and methodological support for the activities of curators of academic groups is defined as a systematically organized complex that includes the means, types and forms of support for curatorial activities. It is aimed at increasing the effectiveness of the activities of the curators of academic groups. Also aimed at the professional and personal growth of curators and students. A model of organizational and methodological support for the activities of curators of academic groups in a modern technical university has been developed and substantiated. The components of the model are determined: target, content-organizational, activity-oriented and effective. A significant task of the study was to conduct experimental work on the implementation of a model of organizational and methodological support for the activities of curators of academic groups in a modern technical university. According to the results of the experimental work carried out on the implementation of the model in a modern technical university, it was established that the developed and implemented structural and informative components of the model make it possible to achieve the goal of improving the performance of curators of academic groups. Accordingly, they can be successfully used in a modern technical university. The study confirms the effectiveness of the developed model of organizational and methodological support for the activities of curators of academic groups in a modern technical university.
Keywords: education, curator’s institute, curator of an academic group, model, curator activity, support and curator activity support
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Issue: 2, 2019
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 83 — 89
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