DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2019-2-98-106
The article is devoted to initiatives aimed at improving the financial literacy of the population in Russia. The article discusses only those programs of commercial and non-profit organizations in the field of improving financial literacy, which contain a wide range of educational resources. The focus of these programs is on the younger generation: children, schoolchildren, students. As a rule, these categories of the population are active potential users of financial services. The characteristic of teaching and methodological support of financial literacy programs being implemented is given, the ways of implementing these programs among students of different age groups are analyzed. An analysis of projects and models implemented for various target audiences with educational and methodological support, educational resources and tools is given. Important aspects in all considered programs are: increase of interest and involvement of citizens in the world of financial products; orientation of citizens on competent financial behavior and the formation of basic behavioral attitudes at different stages of their life cycle; the formation of the necessary skills in the management of disposable funds; ability to protect their rights and prevent all types of fraud. At the same time, there are examples of international organizations that implement financial literacy programs in Russia and have shown their effectiveness. An analytical review of domestic Internet sites devoted to the financial education of Russian citizens in relation to available educational resources is presented.
Keywords: financial literacy, institutions implementing financial literacy programs, educational programs, methodological tools of financial literacy programs
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Issue: 2, 2019
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 98 — 106
Downloads: 1030