DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2019-2-151-156
This article deals with the problem of forming different levels of reading skills. Reading competence is highly demanded in both mother tongue and foreign language. Acquiring reading competence is a difficult, multi-level process that needs a lot of attention in the classroom. Reading involves not only the ability of the correct sounding of the words but also understanding of the given ideas. In the given article, the authors have attempted to summarize practical knowledge of forming reading skills of the high school students. Reading module of the State Exam in the English language needs a lot of pre-exam practice, so the use of special techniques is required. The article includes example tasks which can be used in teaching practice both whilst regular classes or preparation for the Reading Module of the State Examination. Recommendations of doing the exam tasks of the chosen module are given and explained. The article demonstrates the examples of pre-reading and while reading tasks. It is obvious that skill of filling the examination blanks is demanded and should be formed whilst preparation practice. Forming of the reading skills is highly important not only within the pre-exam practice, but helps to ensure firm motivation for the further development of the reading competence.
Keywords: reading, reading skills, reading competence, State Exam, reading tasks, recommendations, senior school students
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Issue: 2, 2019
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 151 — 156
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