DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2019-2-157-161
The paper under study views the issue of Theophan Zatvornik’s pedagogical heritage relevance in the context of modern education. The author tries to correlate the Saint’s pedagogical system basic criteria with aims and tasks of upbringing and education. Since there is no concentration on the secular and religious aspects of the educational process in the pedagogical views of Saint Theophan, his concept was of interest in the conditions of the 19th century pedagogy formation. Fixing the results of his experience implementation through written heritage allows to study the theoretical background and their implementation in practice in detail. The most important feature of Theophan Zatvornik’s pedagogy is the combination of scientific approach to the child’s personality, taking into account psychological and age component, with an integral system of Christian dogma, which provides the process of upbringing with reference points of spiritual and moral development in the context of high Evangelical morality. The lack of contradiction between science and religion in Saint Theophan views is the result of long-term interaction between the state and the Church, including the field of the younger generation education. As a result of the analysis of the emphasis of the educational process, placed by the Saint in the course of his theoretical and practical pedagogical activity, the author proves the possibility of reliance on this experience in the conditions of modernity. Overcoming the crisis of spirituality of modern man is possible only if the formation of the system of spiritual and moral education and its adoption at the level of modern school. Numerous case studies of Saint Theophan’s legacy confirm the interest of modern pedagogy in its conception, as well as the relevance of the key positions of its pedagogy in relation to the current state of society. As a result of the educational process accent analysis, placed by the Saint in the course of his theoretical and practical pedagogical activity, the author proves the possibility of reliance on this experience in the co nditions of modernity.
Keywords: pedagogy, education, process, spiritual and moral development, education, culture, Orthodoxy
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Issue: 2, 2019
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 157 — 161
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