DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2019-2-168-178
The article is devoted to the description of the system of continuous environmental education in the Kola North, taking into account the climatic and geographical features of the region. It reflects the experience of the Polar-Alpine Botanical Garden on the cultivation of ecological culture and the formation of ecological knowledge among different groups of the population (preschoolers, schoolchildren, students, etc.). In addition, a special place is occupied by the issues related to the development of educational programs for persons with disabilities and their testing in a botanical garden. Educational institutions of the polar regions face a whole range of problems and contradictions in the implementation of additional programs on environmental education and training, since the characteristics of the child’s emotional and personal sphere and the level of somatic health require an individual approach to learning and reducing the information load during the educational program. The formation of health-saving technologies based on interaction with the natural environment is today the optimal combination of a system of methods for solving educational and correctional tasks in the framework of cooperation of educational and social institutions with a botanical garden. Special work, based on the principles of environmental therapy, provides a multilateral development of the child’s personality, and also increases the effectiveness of corrective action. The Polar-Alpine Botanical Garden-Institute has unique resources: collections of plants of open and closed ground; herbarium specimens; insectarium; living corner (including a stable), which in turn determines the strategy and direction of the development of scientific and educational base, as well as the social role in the region. Botanical gardens are a specially organized ecological-educational environment, which has a huge educational potential in the field of biology and ecology; therefore, they must conduct active environmental education activities that appeal to the whole society.
Keywords: ecological education, Kola Arctic, botanical garden
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Issue: 2, 2019
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 168 — 178
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