DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2019-3-20-25
The article considers the problem of studying and development of educational independence of students in the context of educational activity in higher education institution. The most effective form of educational activity of students is the organizational and activity game Find problem and solution at the heart of which is the students’ search and solution of the problem situations presented in films. This game consists of several parts – preparatory, game and reflexive. During the game, each student performs a specific role – director, screenwriter, actor, which allows showing and developing various educational positions. Director controls the entire process, and is responsible for the entire result of the work. Screenwriter prepares the scenario of a solution. Actors play the scenario written by screenwriters. As a result of joint activities during the game students develop abilities to educational actions, understand their sense; to acquire teamwork skills with others; start showing initiative and a subject line item. The leading idea of a research is that students, being involved in joint activity during the game, seized various ways of the organization of educational activity, and then “transferred” these ways to their own independent activity. It allowed increasing their level of self-organization and motivation in the professional sphere. The article is of interest to teachers of higher education institutions and students of pedagogical specialties.
Keywords: educational independence, organizational and activity game, joint activity, self-organization, students
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Issue: 3, 2019
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 20 — 25
Downloads: 676