DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2019-3-35-40
This article reveals the essence of interactive teaching methods that contribute to the development of students’ subjectivity, as one of the ways to implement modern tasks of preparing future teachers. The author’s definition of the concept of student subjectivity is given. The subjectness of the student in this work is considered as an integrative personal quality, which is characterized by the activity of the student, primarily internal focus on himself, that is, the definition of goals, objectives, the formation of motives, etc., as well as focus on the outside world, which is determined to be ready right decisions in non-standard life situations. The author describes the main interactive methods used in the practice of teaching: the Workshop of the Future method, the case-study method, the Decision Tree method, the teaching discussion. The author believes that the Workshop of the Future method contributes to the revitalization of the educational process, develops motivation for learning, forms an assessment of the level of preparedness of students and the degree of proficiency in the material; the case-study method teaches us to analyze the situation, contributes to the development of the ability to identify key issues, choose the right solutions and formulate a sequence of actions; the Decision Tree method develops creative thinking, forms the ability of the student to predict the expected result and, if necessary, make adjustments on their own; study discussion develops personal and professional qualities, the ability to reasonably defend their opinions, contributes to the development of skills to conduct business communication and public speaking. Also in the article, the author revealed the goal of interactive learning, which is to create a comfortable learning environment in which each student can feel their success and intellectual integrity, which will allow him to simulate life and professional situations from teaching practice, find a solution based on an analysis of circumstances and the corresponding situation; to contribute to the formation of professional skills and abilities, to cultivate humanistic values in him, to contribute to creating an atmosphere of interaction and cooperation.
Keywords: student subjectivity, interactive learning, interactive teaching methods, Future Workshop method, case-study method, Decision Tree method, educational discussion
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Issue: 3, 2019
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 35 — 40
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