DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2019-3-55-66
An analysis of the concept of perceptual modality is given. The characteristic of personality types on the basis of leading modality is given: the visuals, who perceive most of the information through vision; the audials that receive information through the auditory channel and sound is dominant for them; the kinesthetics that perceive most of the information through the touch and other sensations. Features of the presentation of educational information for students of different psychotypes during the conducting lessons on the generalization and systematization of knowledge in the course School Chemical Experiment were considered. The results of testing are given to determine the type of perceptual modality, on the basis of which three groups of students are formed. Three classes have been developed and conducted on the following topics: Initial Chemical Concepts. Hydrogen; Oxygen; Nitrogen and its Compounds. Phosphorus. These classes are different forms of presentation of educational information and the organization of their conduct. Diagnostics of students’ knowledge was carried out in order to determine the quality of mastering educational material on the topics studied. The attitude of students to the use of different forms of presenting information in the classroom based on the results of reflection has been determined.
Keywords: perceptual modality, audials, visuals, kinesthetics, forms of presentation of educational information, features of perception of information by various psychotypes, school chemical experiment
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Issue: 3, 2019
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 55 — 66
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