DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2019-3-67-73
In the new standard one of the important formed actions is problem solving. The solution to any problem begins with a question that a researcher or a student who has a difficulty has posed to himself. This requirement stems from modern standards for school education. The world has become so complex that a person has problems in any field of activity. At school No. 49 in Tomsk, one of the programs for the development of a teacher is aimed at teaching pupils to solve educational problems. At the beginning of its formation, primary school students were trained in this, but then it became necessary to teach elementary students to the elements of the program. Teaching primary school students the ability to solve first the simplest problems revealed the need to train them to ask questions, since the problem itself is formulated as a question. In the educational culture there are different types of questions. Not all types of questions cause students to solve a problem. But, different types of questions are needed to solve it. They serve to understand the text, the situation, the problem, as a result of which it is so important to teach schoolchildren how to work with questions in elementary school. The most effective are the six types of questions developed by B. Bloom. The authors suggest ways of teaching elementary school students an understanding of the meaning of questions, posing different questions and competent and complete answers to questions. As a model of question types, Bloom’s flower is used. In the submissions you can get acquainted with the ways of assessing students from the second to the fourth grade – how the number of students asking questions changes. As students gradually ask more difficult questions. How these questions are applied in solving problems.
Keywords: Bloom’s flower, recognition of the meaning of different questions, questions for different texts, questions at different stages of problem solving, the effectiveness of questions in training
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Issue: 3, 2019
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 67 — 73
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