DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2019-3-123-128
The article deals with the problem of teaching professional foreign language to nonlinguistic students as there are not enough listening and video materials for the main textbooks. It highlights the importance of audition and developing listening skills as the basis for speaking activities and abilities for professional communication in the future. The article emphasizes difficulties in choosing authentic audio and video materials such as time consumption, curriculum relevance, significance and authenticity; it gives an overview of modern Internet resources available for everyone. As a result, it suggests using video materials TED (Technology Entertainment Design) which feature lectures and animated lessons on different subjects. For students with a high level of English it is recommended to use TED Talks as an extensive listening resource, for low-level students TED-Ed is appropriate, as video lessons are animated, short and easy to understand. All video materials TED are available online to the public, supplied with free transcripts in English, and subtitles which is also important to develop interest, motivation and commitment to studying. The article demonstrates the examples of video lessons TED for non-linguistic students of different specialties (technical, humanitarian); it describes stages of working on developing listening skills, necessary conditions, and types of exercises, which prove their effectiveness in audition.
Keywords: non-linguistic students, professional foreign language, videomaterials, TED talks, audition, authentic material, novelty, motivation, instruction
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Issue: 3, 2019
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 123 — 128
Downloads: 994