DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2019-3-129-135
The article deals with the question of interaction of the project technology and the development of foreign language communicative competence as an important factor of training specialists in various areas. In the modern interpretation of its functions a foreign language is considered as an instrument of cross cultural communication as well as a tool for international professional development and carrier growth of specialists. The main problem in the study of foreign languages is still a technique of its teaching. European standards prefer a student-centered approach involving the formation of communicative competence with the linguistic, discursive and social-cultural components. The project work in English language teaching promotes its implementation. The project method involves the use of a wide range of problematic, research and search methods focusing on a real practical result that is meaningful to students. This educational technology has a number of benefits including purposeful language use and increased student involvement and responsibility, add extra motivation for learners, let to use their language skills in a new and challenging way. The article considers the conditions of project work organization with students of a technical university. The advantages of using project technology in the context of new educational standards are discussed. The examples of a few concrete project applications are offered.
Keywords: project technology, competence approach, educational standards, foreign language training at technical university
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Issue: 3, 2019
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 129 — 135
Downloads: 980