DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2019-3-166-172
Realization of pedagogical ways to solve the problem of maintaining physical activity of civil servants of power structures is constrained taking into account objective (increase of age and age-related changes of health, tense mode of professional activity, possible “office” character of work, violation of the mode of labour and rest, presence of pernicious habits, etc.) and subjective (disparity of level of knowledge about the role of physical activity in professional activity, actual situation of professional development of specialist; lack of skills to maintain physical activity at a level that ensures normal well-being, ability and efficiency of performing professional tasks; ignoring physical activity and sports) factors, defiant the decline of this activity. The analysis of foreign experience indicates a trend of increasing attention to the physical performance of public servants, physical activity as a factor in ensuring the ability to work. Understanding of physical activity as a phenomenon, conditioned by internal reasons, recognition of its biosocial nature allows including physical activity in the number of aims of continuous trade education of civil servants of power structures, such attributive characteristics, as independence, internal motivation and consciousness of man, must be taken into account in the practical instruments of it. One of the methods for increasing the effectiveness of maintenance of physical activity of civil servant in the security forces is pedagogical support. In the development and realization of individual models of physical activity an important role is played by the rich in content constituents of pedagogical support (organizationally-rich in content module of Form and Methods of Maintenance of Physical Activity of Servants, individual consultations, active forms, reflection, monitoring).
Keywords: physical activity of civil servant of power structures, continuous trade education, pedagogical support
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Issue: 3, 2019
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 166 — 172
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