DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2019-3-26-34
The article is devoted to the problem of formation of professional and personal component of the future teacher, considered through the expansion of the educational space of the university special course, focused on the development of students of classical and innovative pedagogical practices. The relevance of the study is due to modern and forward-looking requirements for professional teaching activity, recorded in the syllabus documents. The purpose of the research is the development, description and testing of the course Pedagogical Technologies in the Modern Humanitarian Educational Space, focused on the formation of a prolonged professional demand. Material and methods: analysis of theoretical and scientific-methodical literature, pedagogical and empirical observation, pedagogical modeling. Results and discussion. In the course of the study, the concepts of technology and, accordingly, pedagogical technology were studied and updated, the framework of demand for personal and professional qualities of the teacher and the vector of formation of the professional and personal component of the future teacher were identified and described. The article describes the integrativity of the concept of pedagogical technology, which includes the competence formed during the entire period of study at the pedagogical University, predictably allowing the graduate to achieve success in professional teaching activities. The logical and structural focus of the developed and tested course Pedagogical Technologies in the Modern Humanitarian Educational Space, oriented by paradigm changes in the aims, content, methods and technologies of training and education, is presented as a tool for the process of formation of the named competence. The paper describes a specific system of classes, including classroom, extracurricular and independent forms of classes, thematic rubrication, description of the method of use of block-notes, etc. The developed and put into practice course Pedagogical Technologies contributes to the assignment of students objective methods of self-control, the formation of professional independence to determine the specific goals of educational activities, the most comfortable conditions for achieving educational results, skills of self-reflection and self-correction. The presented course can be matrix adapted for students of pedagogical universities of not only humanitarian profile, but also in other areas of training.
Keywords: technologies, pedagogical technologies, educational space, professional pedagogical competences, professional-personal component, outline
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Issue: 3, 2019
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 26 — 34
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