DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2019-3-173-181
The article presents the methodological justification and experience of the program of development of personal identity of teachers at different stages of professional development. As part of the program, the content of the process of development of personal identity of teachers at each stage of professional development was built on a new way of interaction for these groups of teachers – supervision. In the process of psychological and methodological support, it is important to motivate teachers to self-knowledge through self-identification, encouraging to identify personal characteristics and needs arising in the context of professional activity; to give them the opportunity to realize themselves as a person, to understand their place and role in this world in general and in the profession in particular; to provide a choice that would help them become an active subject, the creator of their own destiny, their life, their way in professional activity. At the same time, in the framework of supervision, personal development and professional growth are considered as the ascending vector of self-change of the teacher’s personality (and personal identity in particular) on the basis of awareness of their needs and desires, the most complete disclosure of abilities and potential opportunities in professional activities, accompanied by quantitative and qualitative, meaningful and structural changes.
Keywords: teacher’s personal identity, stages of professional development, supervision, psychological support, methodological support
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Issue: 3, 2019
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 173 — 181
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