DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2019-4-7-13
The article deals with the problems of implementation of formative assessment in secondary educational institutions and proposes their solution. Formative assessment is able to solve the problems facing the assessment system focusing on the quality of process of students learning outcomes and acquiring skills for “lifelong learning”. Formative assessment has been implemented slowly and inefficiently for more than a decade. Identifying and analyzing the reasons for the difficulties of implementation and finding the ways to overcome them is the aim of this research and determines the relevance of the theme. Theoretical and practical methods of research were used to achieve this aim. A large number of difficulties have been revealed. Some of which have been indicated by teachers participating in the program. The obtained data allow us to divide all mentioned problems into 3 levels depending on the possibilities of their solutions. It is noted that teachers solve them at the first level “classroom” but without the support at the “school” and “out-of-school” levels the process of formative assessment is discrete, fragmented or even impossible. Introductory training workshops at the “workplace” have been developed and proposed to conduct as the first step in the program of implementation of formative assessment in the educational process. The seminars (workshops) are divided into theoretical and practical parts; questions for discussion and duration of conducting vary depending on the preparedness of the audience. At the end of the workshops, teachers have initial necessary knowledge to start practical activities of formative assessment. The author emphasizes the necessity to introduce sections (or to expand them) about this type of assessment at teacher training courses and in programs of discipline about teaching methods to build a system of training teachers who own a new philosophy of assessment.
Keywords: formative assessment, difficulties of implementation, teacher training, levels of problem solving, training workshop
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Issue: 4, 2019
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 7 — 13
Downloads: 952