DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2019-4-53-59
Attracting young people to the technical sphere of professional activity and increasing the prestige of scientific and technical professions are becoming important priorities of state policy today. The task of building a new innovative economy in the country and achieving the technological level cannot be solved without a radical improvement of the system of additional education of children of technical orientation, including through the development and implementation of individual educational trajectories in priority areas in demand in the modern world. In these circumstances, there is a need to develop a new educational model based on the integration of modern programs of additional education and allowing to prepare future specialists of the scientific and technical sphere in constantly changing conditions, starting from school age. The considered model of forming competences of schoolchildren in the field of intellectual development and scientific and technical creativity was developed as part of the implementation of measures to form a regional model of additional education “Territory of Intelligence” in the Tomsk region. Building a model for the formation of competences of schoolchildren in the field of intellectual development and scientific and technical creativity is carried out in several stages: determining the purpose of modeling, building a system of components of the process of forming competences, forming competences in dynamics and establishing criteria for evaluating the expected results. The model of formation of competences of schoolchildren in the field of scientific and technical creativity by means of additional education includes: the target component as a matrix of target results, representing the decomposition of competences into a system of actions that the student must master as part of the formation of competences; the content-operational component of the model as a set of educational content collected on the educational digital platform; operational and technological component as a set of options for the formation of competencies or a set of educational tracks (routes) and ways to move between them to build an individual educational trajectory; diagnostic component that provides the identification of the level of formation of competencies of the student when registering on a digital platform. The set of competences in the field of scientific and technical creativity, which can be formed among schoolchildren in the course of training in the system of additional education, is determined from the requirements of employers to the professional competencies of specialists in the scientific and technical sphere, as well as from the educational possibilities that allow at school age. To assess the level of formation of competence, activity indicators were developed, which were distributed among the levels of formation and levels of competence: from simple operations to the ability to manage complex technical and production processes. The complete criterion-diagnostic apparatus of the model includes matrices of target results 60 competencies, which contain 960 indicators of the level of formation and manifestation of these competencies. The implementation of the model will make the most effective use of human potential and create conditions for the self-realization of schoolchildren in the scientific and technical sphere.
Keywords: model of formation of schoolchildren’s competencies, sphere of scientific and technical creativity, additional education
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Issue: 4, 2019
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 53 — 59
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