DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2019-4-77-83
The introduction of Federal State Educational Standards (FSES) actualized the problem of activation of all students, both high school and primary school, in the implementation of project activities. Inclusion in the process of project implementation is aimed at the substantive and personal development of students, often determines their future professional plans. There is a problem of the organization of design and research activity at a large number of pupils. As practice shows, the majority of teachers do not have sufficient amount of time, sometimes lacking of knowledge. The material and technical base of school laboratories does not allow putting many experiments at a scientific level. In Tomsk, as a city with a large number of higher education institutions, to carry out scientific research of schoolchildren, it is possible to interact with schools in terms of organizing projects for high school students. This interaction is currently being worked out. The article shows the possibilities and results of such cooperation. In particular, the structure of such interaction is considered: starting from the primary acquaintance of schoolchildren with the laboratories of the University and ending with the formulation and conduct of the experiment, as well as the presentation of the results of all activities at conferences of various levels.
Keywords: education in high school, requirements to the results of education, interaction between school and University, research activities, scientific and technical projects
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Issue: 4, 2019
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 77 — 83
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