DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2019-4-84-91
The necessity of updating the content of defectology teachers’ training at the university at the bachelor’s degree level in the period of formation of inclusive education is shown. The new benchmarks for professional training of defectology teachers are marked, which are the challenges of modern education. The content of educational programs of inclusive-oriented training of teachers-defectologists is aimed at the development of readiness for various types of professional activities for the informal implementation of the tasks of inclusive practice, the humanistic orientation of training is manifested in various forms of classroom and extracurricular activities (such as: city festival of sign songs, volunteer activities, etc.). The modern approaches to professional training of defectology teachers at the university at the bachelor’s degree level are characterized. The expediency of application of anthropological, environmental, competence and system-activity approaches to the implementation of inclusive-oriented training of teachersdefectologists has been substantiated. The unity of the anthropological concept of human understanding and the principles of inclusive education is revealed. Significant value-semantic attitudes of teachers-defectologists for the implementation of the tasks of inclusive education are defined. The special educational environment of inclusive-oriented training is characterized as the interpenetration of local environments, including the educational reflective environment of the university and the inclusive educational environment of inclusive educational organizations. The significance of the competence-based approach is indicated within which the inclusive competence of teachers-defectologists as a result of bachelor’s training is projected. The understanding of inclusive-oriented training of teachers-defectologists as a dynamic system of interrelated elements in the professional and educational space of the university is shown.
Keywords: challenges of inclusive education, updating the training of teachers-defectologists, anthropological, environmental, system-activity and competence-based approaches
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Issue: 4, 2019
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 84 — 91
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