DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2019-4-126-132
The article provides an analysis of the state of physical and mathematical training (PhMТ) of graduates of educational organizations, which indicates its low level and the need to establish mechanisms to improve the level of PhMТ, which is a prerequisite for improving the professional competence of young professionals. One of the primary aspects of PhMТ of students of professional educational organizations is the training of future college teachers of physical and mathematical disciplines at the stage of their training in a pedagogical university. The possible ways of their solution are indicated: clarification of the regulatory framework for the training of future teachers of physical and mathematical disciplines, taking into account World- Skills (WS) standards; study of the professional environment and professional competencies of their future students by students of pedagogical universities; comparing of WorldSkills competencies with physical and mathematical knowledge corresponding to these competencies; WS championships for future teachers. Taking into account the competencies of secondary school graduates in accordance with the professional standards of Federal State Educational Standards of Secondary Vocational Education (FSES SVE) top-50 subject to requirements of the international WS competitions in training future teachers for the secondary vocational education system, which makes it possible in principle to make the FSES 3++ training in the pedagogical areas of the higher education system professional competence of the teacher, is the key to the successful development of a modern high-tech economy and world leadership of Russia as a whole.
Keywords: physical and mathematical training, students of a pedagogical university, secondary professional education, college, modernization of education, WorldSkills
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Issue: 4, 2019
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 126 — 132
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