DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2019-4-133-141
The article emphasizes the relevance of the processes of transformation of views on the development of professional competencies of the individual, associated with the existence of information, digital and SMART-society. As a representative of modern society, a person acquires important competences: an integral characteristic related to experience in the information reality, ways of interacting with technology and technology in order to fulfill the general and professional information needs of a person; high-level meta-abilities for the existence in the digital space of highly mobile intelligent devices; the formation of the personality of a SMART-person who is fluent in SMART-technologies for searching, analyzing information and creating innovations that interact in professional network communities. These abilities characterize the components of the information, digital and smart competencies of the individual. These competencies coexist and come to the fore depending on the evolution of society as a dynamic system, the improvement of information, digital and smart technologies. The transformation of views on information, digital and SMART-competence of the individual in modern society is associated with its synchronous development, modernization, social hybridization and convergence, modernity, progressiveness, civilization, integrativity, cultural and historical potential, with the transition from the «closed» technology to «seamlessness».
Keywords: informational competence of personality, digital competence of personality, SMART-competence of personality, information society, digital society, SMART-society
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Issue: 4, 2019
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 133 — 141
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