DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2019-5-30-39
This article is devoted to a generalized description and comparison of the development of pedagogical education in China and Russia. The main stages of the development of pedagogical education in China include: the birth and formation at the end of the Qing dynasty (1897−1911); development and streamlining in the period of the Republic of China (1912−1948); restructuring and transformation after the creation of the People’s Republic of China (1949 − to the present). The main stages of the development of pedagogical education in Russia include: the birth and formation in the period of Tsarist Russia (1779−1917); development and normalization in the period of the USSR (1918−1991); transformation and modernization in the period of the Russian Federation (1991 − up to the present). The difference in the specifics of the development of pedagogical education of two countries is seen at the stage of the state of origin, the fundamentals of development. The history of the development of pedagogical education in Russia is longer than in China. Its foundation was greatly influenced by religious foundations. Chin ese pedagogical education was created on the basis of the political goal of the state, although it was based on the ideas of Confucianism. The formation and development of Russian pedagogical education was due to the internal needs of the state, social demand. Chinese pedagogical education originated in the context of the national crisis, it was a necessary measure to preserve the integrity, strengthen the country. The policy has had a greater influence on the reform of pedagogical education in China than the development of pedagogical science. In the pedagogical education of Russia, the achievements of peda gogical science were more taken into account. Similarities are more evident at the level of contemporary tendencies in the development of pedagogical education, such as universitization, continuity, and openness.
Keywords: professional pedagogical education, stages of development of pedagogical education, pedagogical education in Russia, pedagogical education in China
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Issue: 5, 2019
Series of issue: Issue 5
Pages: 30 — 39
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