DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2019-5-40-47
The article is devoted to the analysis of the courses “Economic and Social Geography of the West Siberian Region”, “Regional Studies” and “Toponymy” for the formation of Siberian identity of students at Tomsk State Pedagogical University. The most effective forms of practical training were determined, their methodical description and recommendations for its implementation were given. The Siberian identity of students is not possible without knowledge of this region. The content of the course “Economic and Social Geography of the West Siberian Region” includes a brief history of the region’s development, a description of the natural resource potential, population, features and prospects of the economy. “Toponymy” includes the study of geographical names of Siberia. “Regional Studies” develops knowledge about the native region (village or city) and the ability to apply this knowledge in the management of regional studies with schoolchildren. During training, students form universal and professional competencies that will allow them to more effectively organize school and extracurricular activities for the study of Siberia. Students at the university perform the following practical work: mapping of unique natural objects, monuments of architecture and art of Tomsk and Tomsk Region; development of excursions for schoolchildren in historical, cultural and natural attractions of Tomsk, Tomsk region and Siberia; compilation of the genealogical tree of their families, the study of the etymology of geographical names. As a result, students develop a holistic overview of the West Siberian region and there is a desire for its further study. The results of the survey “Do I Know Siberia?” showed that the majority of students, including those who came from other regions of Russia and abroad, identify themselves with Siberian region. The presented methodical development of practical classes for students can be used in retraining and advanced training of geography teachers, as well as for conducting geography lessons and extracurricular activities in general educational organizations of Siberia.
Keywords: economic and social geography, regional studies, toponymy, Siberian identity, West Siberian economic region, Tomsk region
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Issue: 5, 2019
Series of issue: Issue 5
Pages: 40 — 47
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