DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2019-5-48-55
The article deals with the question of using of elements of Mastery Learning in conducting classes in the disciplines of the mathematical cycle at the University. The structure of the educational process, organized on the basis of this technology, with an emphasis on the performance of individual work, is given. Points on which it is necessary to rely at construction of practical lessons are resulted. The main features that should be paid special attention to in the development of practical classes on the basis of individual work are: detailed analysis of all typical math problems in the classroom, no separation into classroom and homework with the requirement of full performing of all tasks, the student goes to the blackboard only at his own will and solves his math problems, no system of evaluation at the lessons, encouragement of students actively working in the classroom, constant control of the teacher of the degree of assimilation of the material by students, the final evaluation of knowledge and skills after studying each course elements. The educational process, organized in the form we offer, makes the learning process more effective. It increases the educational activity of students during classes, gives them confidence in their abilities and motivates to achieve results – obtaining and assimilation of knowledge.
Keywords: Mastery Learning, technology of full assimilation of knowledge, pedagogical technologies, organization of classes in mathematical disciplines, individual tasks in mathematics
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Issue: 5, 2019
Series of issue: Issue 5
Pages: 48 — 55
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