DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2019-5-56-66
The question of professional tasks of a preschool education teacher is discussed. Pedagogical activity is a process of solving professional tasks of various types. The article describes the psychological task, as one of the types of professional tasks in educational activities. The specificity of the psychological task in a teacher’s practice is its uncertainty. The uncertainty of the task is related to an individual’s perception of a situation, his personal attitude towards that situation, the individual experience of solving such problematic situations and the presence of personal meanings regarding what is happening in the context of the general level of psychological maturity of a person. This implies the variability of solutions. The choice of pedagogical actions is connected to a number of conditions: the perception of the situation, attitude towards the situation, the emotions it causes, the experience of solving problematic situations and the preferred behavioral models and the desired outcome. The article describes the informative characteristics of the three solutions of the psychological problem. The following situation is psychologically competent: a wholesome perception of the situation, the attitude towards the situation as a meaningful one for others (a personally and socially significant situation), feelings are associated with internal experiences shared with feelings of others; decisions are aimed for benefitting all of the participants of the situation, the result is defined as useful and significant for other people, for society, along with their own achievements. The article provides an example of solving a psychological problem by a teacher in the form of a case in accordance with the third option. Appeal to the groups of universal and general professional competencies, indicated in modern FGOS VO, showed that each of the designated competencies contains not only psychological terminology, but also contains ideas of a variable approach towards their development. One of the options for the development of professional competencies, in our opinion, is the use of a task approach that includes a combination of different types of tasks. In the typification of professional tasks noted in the FGOS VO 3 ++, the psychological task is included in broad nominations of such types as accompaniment, cultural and educational, organizational and managerial, methodical.
Keywords: tasks of a teacher’s professional activity, a psychological task, an open type problem, a teacher’s psychological competence, system approach, subject approach, humanitarian paradigm of education
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Issue: 5, 2019
Series of issue: Issue 5
Pages: 56 — 66
Downloads: 902