DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2019-5-67-74
The article presents the problem of application of modern distance technologies in the system of continuous education. Aspects to which the teacher should pay attention when using distance technologies to create electronic training courses are considered. Methodological, psychological and pedagogical differences are also presented - in particular, to create group and individual training. This approach make it possible to form not only the knowledge base, but also to develop personal, professional qualities. The article allocated the features of individual cognitive styles in the structure of the stages of development of elearning training courses. The teacher should focus on individual cognitive styles in the process of creating e-learning courses. Students with different individual cognitive styles should effectively master the tasks in the structure of the created e-learning course. The article allocates the stages for creating training courses and describes the features of the work of teachers at these stages. The important element at the stage of preparation of tasks are the features of individual and group forms of training. At the stage of performing tasks, special attention should be paid to the possibility of selecting tasks based on individual preferences. Communicative creativity becomes an important element at the stage of discussion of the effectiveness of all tasks of the course.
Keywords: system of continuous education, distance technology, group and individual training, individual cognitive styles, e-learning courses
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Issue: 5, 2019
Series of issue: Issue 5
Pages: 67 — 74
Downloads: 931