DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2019-5-83-89
This article is dedicated to identification of features and stages of formation of modern rural school which is the leading type of the general education organizations of the Russian Federation. Recently, the process of modernization of the modern educational system of Russia has also affected rural schools. The main feature of the educational system of the Russian Federation is the prevalence of rural schools. The rural school is a collective concept, it is used for designation of various types and types of activity, operating conditions of school in rural areas. The school and society, the state and the educational process are inseparably linked with each other. The historical and pedagogical analysis allows considering the process of formation of modern rural schools and also stages and specifics. However from the middle of the 10th of our century in the Russian Federation the increasing role is played by digital economy, the informatization process plays the main role. In the context of globalization (informatization, integration and internationalization), the rural school begins to function in the new socio-economic conditions. The implemented Digital School project promoted informatization of schools located in rural areas. The modern rural school is gradually becoming a single center for training, education and development of students of various categories, different levels of psychophysical development, different living conditions and education. The scientific novelty of the article consists in justification of separate features of modern rural school: a) the organizational model of school is based on the idea of cluster networks; b) educational process has network character and its regulation is carried out in the conditions of transition of the school system to the mixed model of training including the upgraded occupations in traditional or uneven-age network classes, groups, individual occupations according to the nonlinear schedule, design and implementation of individual strategy of training in subject matters, application of the special software.
Keywords: rural school, features of rural school, stages of formation of rural school, organization of educational process, network mechanisms
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Issue: 5, 2019
Series of issue: Issue 5
Pages: 83 — 89
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