DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2019-5-157-165
The paper analyzes the correlation of defense mechanisms and character accentuations, and peculiarities of the use of defense mechanisms by an individual. The authors show the importance of studying the defense mechanisms due to changes occurring in the society, as well as the necessity to adapt to them for psychological health and harmonious development of a person. The state of scientific knowledge of the correlation between psychological defenses and character accentuations was identified. The study found that the most used defense mechanisms are: intellectualization, denial and regression. A correlation analysis of the results revealed the preferences in the use of defense mechanisms by individuals with different character accentuations: hyperthymic character accentuation has a high correlation with the denial mechanism; a stuck type of character accentuation highly correlates with the projection defense mechanism; disturbing character accentuation has a high correlation with the regression mechanism; the study participants with a cyclothymic character accentuation more often use the following types of defenses: regression, projection and displacement; unstable character accentuation has a high correlation with the mechanisms of regression, projection and displacement; the study participants with an exalted character accentuation are more likely to use the protective regression mechanism. The results of the study of the relationship of protective mechanisms and various character accentuations can be used in developing recommendations in the process of optimal adaptation of a person to various situations, and also for self-realization and maintaining psychological health. The received data can help specialists in the practice of psychological counseling, as well as in the development of correction and support programs for various categories of people.
Keywords: defense mechanisms, character accentuation, personality
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Issue: 5, 2019
Series of issue: Issue 5
Pages: 157 — 165
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