DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2019-5-189-200
The article discusses the psychological causes of distortion of survey data on the prevalence of adolescent behavior associated with the risk of offenses. The conditions for the preparation and conduct of surveys that motivate or demotivate adolescent respondents to participate in the survey and provide relevant data are revealed. The empirical basis of the conclusions are the results of observing the behavior of respondents and their parents in the process of preparing for the survey and its conduct in 27 secondary schools. Account for the psychological needs of adolescents and their parents is considered as a key condition for obtaining valid data. The decreased willingness of adolescents to participate in surveys and provide reliable data is considered as the main cause of data distortion. According to the authors, the following factors lead to this. These are: pressure from the questionnaire organizers, lack of conditions for comfortable individual work with the questionnaire, violation of confidentiality, neglect of the cultural and linguistic characteristics of the examined adolescents groups when creating questionnaires and conducting a survey. Taking into account the psychological needs of adolescents when monitoring the risk of their offenses is considered an ethical imperative that requires strict observance. The authors point to the following needs of respondents for obtaining valid data. These are the needs for security, information and acknowledgment of the social value of their answers. The authors indicate possible ways of fulfilling the above needs during the survey and describe their motivating methods and methods for debriefing the possible negative consequences of the survey. The use of these techniques allowed the authors to increase the level of cooperation among adolescents in the survey process.
Keywords: crime prevention, monitoring, use of substances, Federal Law No. 120, adolescents, youth, respondent behavior
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Issue: 5, 2019
Series of issue: Issue 5
Pages: 189 — 200
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