DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2019-5-166-177
The analysis of various approaches to studying the structure and the content of psychological time in psychological science is carried out. The following approaches are considered: field concept of psychological time of K. Levin, motivational and dynamic concept of J. Nuttin, the model of psychological time by V. G. Aseev, causal and target concept of subjective time of E. Golovakh and A. Kronik, the concept of Time Perspective of F. Zimbardo, the concept of personal organization of time of K. A. Abulkhanova-Slavskaya, the concept of relation to time by T. A. Nestik, and others. The results of the empirical check of theoretical model of psychological time based on the Nestik’s concept are presented. For the empirical check of this model the research was conducted on the example of students of various faculties (law, economy, information technologies, management, journalism, Eurasia and East) of the regional Russian university (N = 200, 41 male, 159 female, aged 18–23). In order to identify the structure of interrelations of the components of psychological time the explanatory and confirmatory factorial analyses were used. As a result, the twofactor model which indexes of coherence correspond to the recommended values has been received: χ2 = 15.856, df = 10, p = 0.104, CFI = 0.988, RMSEA = 0.054, GFI = 0.978, PCLOSE = 0.394. According to the model, the structure of psychological time includes cognitive, conative and affective components, and the last is dominating for this sample. The psychological filling of the components are pessimistic: these are negative attitudes towards present, unbalanced time perspective with prevalence of negatively perceived past and fatalistically perceived present, as well as the tendency to procrastination. These tendencies of a negative future perception by students, a lack of the desire to plan events and to set the purposes, unbalanced time perspective, the tendency to procrastination could be a reason of destructive behavior, including various forms of addiction, low level of self-realization, and subjective wellbeing. It is necessary to develop the representation of value and importance of time as a resource in student’s mind, to develop the ability to control it for the purposes achievement, to develop the creative thinking, and understanding of the value of lived events.
Keywords: psychological time, time perception, experience of time, time attitude, time perspective, model of psychological time, structure of psychological time
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Issue: 5, 2019
Series of issue: Issue 5
Pages: 166 — 177
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