DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2019-6-63-72
The relevance of the topic is associated with the need to adapt to new educational standards, which define the necessary competencies of teachers – psychologists. One of the most important is the use in the educational process of modern methods of psychological and pedagogical interaction, which are focused on the development and formation of interest in the educational activities of students. Despite the large number of scientific papers on the motivation of educational activities, teachers are still faced with the fact that students have not formed the need for knowledge, there is no interest in learning. This problem is especially acute in teenage students. The aim of the study was to study the features of motivation of educational activities in adolescence. The hypothesis of the study was as follows: there are features of motivation of educational activity of adolescents, namely: 1) the leading motives of educational activity are: cognitive motives, achievement motives, external motives. 2) the level of educational motivation of adolescent girls is higher than the level of educational motivation of boys of the same age; for girls, emotional motives and motives of achievement are more important, and for boys, external motives. In the framework of the study analyzed the structure of educational motivation of adolescents, their attitude to teaching and academic subjects, arguments in favor of the choice of favorite and unloved subjects, as well as external and individual difficulties faced by adolescents in educational activities and the specificity of personal orientation in overcoming these difficulties. The results of the analysis both in the whole sample (eighth grade students) and in the sexual aspect (boys and girls) and their interpretation are presented. The results of the empirical study are of practical importance and can form the basis for the development of a program of psychological and pedagogical support for the development of motivation of educational activities and the formation of professional orientation of adolescents.
Keywords: motivation, educational activity, motives of educational activity, teenagers
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Issue: 6, 2019
Series of issue: Issue 6
Pages: 63 — 72
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