DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2019-6-84-90
The most important competence of the teacher – ability to sense-generating activity is considered. The meaning-generating activity of the teacher is analyzed as an effective condition for the organization of educational influence on the personality of the student, its developing potential and possibilities of use in the school system are presented. Possible means and forms of realization of the meaning-generating activity of the teacher for the development of moral consciousness in students are considered. The transforming activity of the teacher is analyzed as a means of constructing educational forms of work with students in order to form their experience of moral behavior, the specifics of its content is discussed in accordance with the age characteristics of the student. The possibilities of implementing the educational activities of a teacher through the use of imaginative means in the educational activities of students are analyzed. The meaning-generating activity of the teacher is presented as a way to implement the educational function of learning in the classroom activities of the student, which contributes to the integration of natural science and Humanities. It is concluded that the meaning-generating activity of the teacher in the school education system contributes to the expansion of the space of educational influence on the development of moral qualities of the student’s personality and the development of aspirations for moral behavior.
Keywords: moral education of personality, sense-generating activity, values, meanings, transforming activity, schoolchild
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Issue: 6, 2019
Series of issue: Issue 6
Pages: 84 — 90
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