DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2019-6-191-201
The article justifies the social significance of the problem being solved. It is noted that changes in all spheres of society change the attitude of people to time, influencing their temporal orientation and perception of the event content of their lives. Special attention is paid to students as a change-sensitive group. Concepts and notions are described, on the basis of which empirical research of relation to time was planned and carried out. As a result of empirical research, it has been proven that students with a high level of optimism are oriented towards the future. In terms of content, the ratio to time is distinguished as dense, bright, colored, volumetric, wide. At the same time, the past and the present are still continuous, present and future active, large, deep and open. A group of students with low levels of optimism are also focused on the future. The content of time this group described as colored, the past characterized by depth, irreversibility, the past and the present felt, but the present adds reality and just as the future it is open. The future is active, joyful, dense and voluminous, but negative characteristics are added here in the form that the future is incomprehensible, volatile and wide. The results of empirical research were summed up. Promising directions of further research are identified.
Keywords: student, time attitude, past orientation, future orientation, present orientation, semantic universals of time orientations, optimism
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Issue: 6, 2019
Series of issue: Issue 6
Pages: 191 — 201
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