DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2019-6-209-217
The article presents the results of a study into differences in ideas of a conflict situation among boys and girls studying at a teacher training college and the correlation of ideas of a conflict situation and the level of self-esteem and claims among the students. The conducted research contributes to the solution of the actual for modern education problem of forming teachers’ conflict competence. The purpose of the article is to analyze the difference in ideas of a conflict situation among boys and girls and to outline the directions of psychological and pedagogical work on the formation of future teachers’ conflict competence. The research methodology was the analysis and generalization of scientific works and publications of native and foreign psychologists on the problems of ideas in psychology, conflict situation and conflict competence, self-esteem and claims, as well as the use of adequate psycho-diagnostic methods (projective, subjective scaling) for empirical study of students’ ideas of a conflict situation, self-esteem and claims and statistical methods (analysis of differences significance, correlation analysis) to study differences in ideas of a conflict situation among boys and girls and to study the correlation between ideas of a conflict situation and levels of self-esteem and claims. The results of an empirical study into students’ ideas of a conflict situation, self-esteem and claims of students demonstrate the absence of significant gender differences in the studied constructs. Statistical analysis of the data revealed differences in the ideas of a conflict situation among young men and women with different levels of self-esteem and claims and direct correlation between the studied indicators. It is proved that negative ideas of a conflict situation correlate with passive strategies of conflict behavior (evasion, concession) and low level of selfesteem and claims, and, on the contrary, positive ideas of a conflict situation correlate with active strategies of conflict behavior (compromise, cooperation, competition) and adequate level of self-esteem and claims. The results and conclusions presented in the article can be taken into account while training specialists at secondary vocational education institutions and can be used to develop a program to form conflict competence of students at a teacher training college, which can be implemented in the form of an elective course or psychological training.
Keywords: ideas of a conflict situation, conflict and conflictological competence, level of selfesteem and claims
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Issue: 6, 2019
Series of issue: Issue 6
Pages: 209 — 217
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