DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2019-6-218-226
During the study of scientific and theoretical literature, various approaches to understanding the problem of forming a civil position at the present stage are described, with an indication of scientists studying this field of knowledge. Emphasis is placed on the last decade in the study of the problem. The following types of positions in the field of psychology and pedagogy are distinguished: life, social, internal. Objective and subjective factors under which the civil position of the individual is formed are explained. On this basis, the components that are most often identified by scientists in the process of studying and generalizing the civil position of the individual, which contribute to its formation, are given, such as cognitive, motivational-value, activity. Two approaches to the interpretation of the definition of «civil position» stand out: the first – reveals the essence of civil position and characterizes it as an integrative system of personal attitudes towards the State, law, civil society, itself as a citizen, defining orientation for the public good and realized in socially significant activities; the second – moral-value, moral, activity, social relations. As a result, the definition of «civil position» has been clarified. The civil position is a system of positive values of the individual on the state, the law, civil society, on himself as an active citizen, carrying out socially significant activities oriented for the public good.
Keywords: civil position, civic consciousness, active citizenship, civic education, social position, life position, internal position, cognitive component, motivational and value component, activity component, citizen
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Issue: 6, 2019
Series of issue: Issue 6
Pages: 218 — 226
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