DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2019-6-97-103
The problem of search of new methodological approaches, concepts, technologies for professional development of specialists, which is one of the important tasks of the system of higher professional education, is actualized. Attention is drawn to the need to attract students to participate in subject Olympiads as a resource for the professionalization of future teachers. The theoretical analysis and, to a greater extent, long-term observations of the author not only from the position of a University teacher, but also a specialist with experience in mentoring in the Olympic movement since 2010, as well as a survey of students allowed to determine the features of the teacher-mentor in this direction. The features of mentoring in the process of the Olympiad movement are considered. In accordance with the first feature, the mentor should contribute to the maximum disclosure of the individual talents of each participant. The second feature is connected with the fact that for the teacher mentoring is a productive way to improve their own competencies, as a variety of Olympiad tasks require high qualification of the team leader. It is emphasized that the qualification of the head-mentor is associated not only with erudition – knowledge of specific subjects, but also to a greater extent correlates with its focus on universal, common cultural values. This orientation points to the need to meet certain professional requirements and possess qualities that have universal values. The quality of the mentor, identified as a priority by the results of a survey of students – participants of the Olympiad. The third feature of mentoring in the Olympiad movement is considered from the position of related interests of at least three subjects of interaction: teacher-mentor, students and educational institutions. Features of interrelations of these subjects in the Olympic movement are specified. Taking into account the peculiarities of the organization of mentoring activities during the subject Olympiads allows us to speak about the successful support of professional development of future specialists. Properly organized mentoring activities specifies the vector direction and is focused on assisting future teachers in the acquisition of professionally significant qualities already in his student years.
Keywords: Olympiads, mentor, mentoring, support, professional development of students
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Issue: 6, 2019
Series of issue: Issue 6
Pages: 97 — 103
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